First Appearance: Drawing every single Pokémon for the next two and a half years [Twitter]
Bio: Derek Mansfield is a species that live throughout the world in various different climates (Pictured: Dry Climate Derek Mansfield). They burrow in and out of the ground and have quite the intense underground network. Their average length is unknown, however, scientists have performed research to get to the bottom of Derek Mansfield: Upon this research, it has been discovered that the length of Derek Mansfield stretches as far down as humanly possible to go, and even further beyond.
The mystery extends beyond their length, as there were once researchers who sent special cameras down nearly 2000 miles towards the planet's core. A bizarre discovery was made that there is a layer (cited on planet Earth, other planets' statuses unknown) on the outer layer of the Earth's core that all Derek Mansfields extend towards. This layer was dubbed "The Mansfield Transfer," a paper thin layer that defies logic, acting as a sort of portal. Dozens of Derek Mansfields extend out of this portal, all the way to the Earth's surface.
In this experiment, the camera was lowered into The Mansfield Transfer where all Derek Mansfields extend from. The footage was difficult to decipher but it depicted an endless colorful void below The Mansfield Transfer (Which acted at the most upper layer of this location) with perceived Derek Mansfield bodies stretching as far down as possible to see. The camera broke off of its device due to coming in contact with one Derek Mansfield's body, and fell for "an endless amount of time at terminal velocity." All the footage could gather was several hundred long fleshy pillars of various Derek Mansfields and the light of this void.
Research is still in its infantile stages on The Mansfield Transfer. Did it appear recently or several thousand years ago? How was it not noticed sooner, if so? It is hypothesized that The Mansfield Transfer does not lead to another planet, but to an entirely different dimension entirely, consisting of nothing but a bizarrely colored void, and hundreds of bodies of Derek Mansfields from all over the universe. How many other planets have they made their home?
There is not a high demand for this research to be completed. Several scientists cited it as "too disturbing a truth to our world," to want to know anything more about the secret of Derek Mansfield. Sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss.